Saturday 5 February 2011

omnisport international Aussie Cup

over the years i went to lots of races with Aussies. Almost every time on the way up to the race the boys argued who would be first Aussie today. (we talk about the 70s and 80s now, when it was not so commun that an Australian pro won a race as it is today).
After a while they start to call it the Aussie Cup, which means even if you finished 49th in the race and first Aussie, you won the cup!
Well this is what i like to introduce here:
1) you must have Aussie nationality!
2) only races on UCI calendar count + Belgian pro kermesses (hahaha)
3) points system
first: 10pts, 2nd 9pts, 3th 8pts, 4th 7pts, 5th 6pts.
places 6 up to 10: 5pts
places 11 up to 20: 3pts
every finisher: 1 pt

the first ranking you see on my blog is the one after TDU / Vuelta San Luis / Tour of Wellington / Tour of Langkawi.
these are the only races with Australian riders at the start

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